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PDF'i Word'e Dönüştürücü Müşteriler

Compare to Adobe Acrobat

PDF to Word Conversion - Acrobat® vs. Solid Converter® PDF

The following examples show conversion results when using Adobe Acrobat 8 and Solid Converter PDF to convert PDF files to Word. Other conversion results may vary.

 Adobe® Acrobat® 8Solid Converter
MSRP $299.00-$449.00
Continuous text conversion
Exact conversion only (text boxes) makes it difficult to edit a document.
Documents convert as easy-to-edit flowing text or text boxes - your choice.
Adobe® Acrobat® 8 - Continuous text conversion
Solid Converter - Continuous text conversion
Complex document layout handling
Cannot be relied upon to retain formatting of complex layouts. Graphics and text are frequently overlaid.
Converts complex layouts to retain as much of the original formatting as possible.
Adobe® Acrobat® 8 - Complex document layout handling
Solid Converter - Complex document layout handling
Multi-column document integrity
Does not handle multi-column documents well. Content is separated into text boxes, breaking up document flow.
Solid Converter retains the integrity of columns. Files are easy to edit.
Adobe® Acrobat® 8 - Multi-column document integrity
Solid Converter - Multi-column document integrity
List and bullet handling
Does not convert bulleted and numbered lists well. Text wraps incorrectly.
Retains the integrity and formatting of bulleted and numbered lists.
Adobe® Acrobat® 8 - List and bullet handling
Solid Converter - List and bullet handling
Hyperlink retention
Does not automatically convert hyperlinks to Word. Converts the text but does not convert the actual link.
Converts hyperlinks that have been encoded as hyperlinks. (Note: e-mail address changed to protect privacy.)
Adobe® Acrobat® 8 - Hyperlink retention
Solid Converter - Hyperlink retention
Header and footer conversion
Does not convert headers and footers. Detects them, but removes them from the converted file.
Converts headers and footers as headers/ footers or as text in the document body. You can also choose to remove them.
Adobe® Acrobat® 8 - Header and footer conversion
Solid Converter - Header and footer conversion
Separation of text from graphics
Regularly combines mixed graphics and text into one single graphic. You lose the ability to change the text.
Converts text as text, graphics as graphic objects. This makes both the text and graphics easier to change.
Adobe® Acrobat® 8 - Separation of text from graphics
Solid Converter - Separation of text from graphics
Separation of image objects
Combines multiple image objects into one large image, which can be harder to work with.
Depending upon the original PDF file, can convert multiple image objects to separate grouped objects that can be individually changed.
Adobe® Acrobat® 8 - Separation of image objects
Solid Converter - Separation of image objects
Rotated text
Rotated text is not formatted correctly, turned into images, or deleted.
Converts rotated text into editable text and retains the formatting.
Adobe® Acrobat® 8 - Rotated text
Solid Converter - Rotated text
Table recognition
Table conversion is excellent if the table is tagged. If the table isn’t tagged, it may or may not convert the table.
More comprehensive table recognition. Converts tables even if they are not tagged.
Adobe® Acrobat® 8 - Table recognition
Solid Converter - Table recognition
File size
Converted files are generally larger.
Converted files are generally smaller.
Adobe® Acrobat® 8 - File size
Solid Converter - File size
Text justification
Does not justify text to match the original document - usually switched to left justification.
Solid Converter retains the original text justification.
Adobe® Acrobat® 8 - Text justification
Solid Converter - Text justification

PDF to Word conversion at an affordable price

Convert your PDFs to Microsoft® Word documents for easy editing! Solid Converter® PDF to Word converts tables, hyperlinks, rotated text, and more, all at a fraction of the cost of Adobe® Acrobat®.



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